Drivers in Dover, New Hampshire got an eyeful when a crazed man named Shawn Weiner Sr. stripped naked and started wandering among traffic on Route 16 after crashing a stolen car and fleeing the scene.
The 35-year-old suspect was arrested and charged with indecent exposure and lewdness, reckless conduct, two counts of disorderly conduct and littering after he ditched the crashed car on nearby Varney Road in Somersworth, New Hampshire State Police said in a press release.
Officers responded to the scene after receiving multiple reports of a nude man disrupting traffic on the two-lane thoroughfare, and finally got their hands on Weiner around 3:15 p.m. on Sunday.
Cops said he discarded his clothes on the highway shoulder before crossing on foot into the travel lanes.
In addition to state charges, the Dover Police Department, who led the investigation into the crash — slapped Weiner with additional, separate charges and took him into custody.
The vehicle theft remains under investigation by the Somersworth Police Department, as well as Dover Fire and Rescue.
Read the full article here