Are you psychic? The answer is in the stars

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Third eye wide open?

TikTok astrologer Maryaam Lewis-Herbert — also known as Shawty Herbs, has shared the birth chart placements she believes make a person ‘intuitive as hell.”

To determine if you have any of the following psychic placements, take yourself to a birth chart generator like this one and enter your details.

Gemini moon

The moon is the resting place of our intuition, and Gemini is the sign of language, an equation that, for Lewis-Herbert, adds up to psychic medium material.

She maintains, “If you have a Gemini moon, you’re a mind reader; you know what everyone is thinking.”

Cancer moon

The moon is at home in Cancer, the sign of its rulership. Both sign and luminary are synonymous with the archetype of the divine feminine, the seat of intuition. Further, Cancer is the sign of ancestry, meaning you might be getting downloads from elders, both living and dead.

Lewis-Herbert explains, “Cancer moons are some of the most intuitive people out there, and they usually get their intuitive gifts from their family. Cancer moons are very good at picking up on people’s energies and emotions.”

Pisces moon

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, delusion, prophecy, and the subconscious mind. Fittingly, their powers of perception are the most acute in the dream world.

Lewis-Herbert says, “If you have a Pisces moon, you guys can practically predict the future. You guys are fortune tellers. The thing about Pisces moons is that they dream about things before they actually happen. Pisces moons are getting messages through their dreams and even warnings, too.”

Moon in the 4th House

The Fourth House is the house of home and lineage. Situated at the bottom of the birth chart, it represents our foundation. It is associated with family, ancestry, traditions, the past, and its powerful influence on the here and now.

Lewis-Herbert shares, “If you have your moon in the 4th House, you my friend, have been blessed with very powerful intuition. Similar to Cancer moons, your intuition might have been passed down from previous generations.”

She notes that moon in the 4th folk have a sixth sense when reading the energy of people or places. “Y’all just know when things aren’t right, and you guys are almost never wrong. So start trusting your intuition more.”

Moon in the 8th House

The Eighth House is the house of sex and transformation. This house is home to themes of birth, death, the occult, mental health, secrets, mysteries, and inheritances. Concerned with endings and the beginnings that inevitably follow, the Eighth House is ultimately about transforming trauma and seeing the potential that lives in the wake of dissolution.

Lewis-Herbert says, “If you have your moon in the 8th House, people can’t hide things from you. People who have their moon in the 8th House can also sense people’s pain. You guys can look at someone and just know that they’ve been through it.”

Lewis-Herbert notes that those with this lunar placement have the potential to become mediums themselves and are gifted with the ability to talk to people who have passed on.

Moon in the 12th house

The 12th House is the house of the unconscious. The last and most liminal of the zodiac houses relates to karma, invisible enemies, suffering, reckoning, the threshold between worlds, and, ultimately, evolution. Psychological fears, forced and chosen isolation, ghosts, and subterranean impulses also make themselves at home here.

Lewis-Herbert says this planetary placement is rife with intuitive prowess. “Every time I think about you guys, I’m just speechless. People who have their moon in the 12th House have some very strange experiences.”

She observes that because the 12th House marks the dividing line between the completion and initiation of life cycles, those with this placement are deeply connected to the world beyond.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website

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