Not Good at Math? This iPhone Message Feature Can Help With That

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Not everyone can solve an equation or perform a conversion on the fly, and that’s all right. With this hidden iOS 18 feature, you don’t have to open your Calculator app to solve tricky equations, and you won’t have to open Google to look up a conversion rate, either. Instead, you can just use your Messages app.

Tech Tips

Prior to iOS 18, if you wanted to figure out how to split a bill with your texting group from afar, you’d have to use your calculator app or Spotlight and then switch back to Messages. With iOS 18 you can perform multistep calculations in Messages, as well as convert things like currency and temperature, without switching apps.

 iOS 18 Brings These New Features to Your iPhone

Here’s how to make Messages perform calculations.

How to solve math problems in Messages

Math formula


If you want to solve a math equation in Messages, type the problem into your text field, add the equals sign (=), and the solution will appear in the predictive text field over your keyboard. Tap the solution to add it to your text.

Messages can solve simple math equations like “2+2=” by typing them into the text field. The app can also solve equations that use more complex formulas, such as the trigonometric functions of sine, cosine and tangent. You need to include the equals sign (=) at the end of each equation no matter what.

How to convert values in Messages

Converting values in Messages works similar to solving math problems in the app. Type the value into your text box with the appropriate value marker — like F for Fahrenheit or lbs for pounds — then type the equal sign (=), and the predictive text field above your keyboard will show you the conversion.



If you don’t indicate what to convert to, predictive text will choose what to convert to. But don’t worry, the app won’t try to convert pounds to minutes. Messages will show conversions to other similar units, so Fahrenheit will convert to Celsius and pounds will convert to kilograms.

You can choose what to convert to by typing something like “60hr to min=” and Messages will display the conversion of 3,900 minutes in the predictive text field. For more on iOS 18, here’s what you need to know about iOS 18.3.2iOS 18.3.1 and iOS 18.3. You can also check out our iOS 18 cheat sheet.

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