Several students at a middle school in Mississippi were hospitalized on Tuesday after ingesting edibles that were allegedly handed out by a classmate, authorities said.
Six students at Woolfolk Middle School were taken to a nearby hospital during the school day, Yazoo Police Chief Terry Gann said in a statement obtained by WLBT.
As of Tuesday afternoon, two of the students had been released with the other four expected to be dismissed from the hospital by the end of the day.
Authorities are still probing the incident and the student responsible will likely face charges, Gan said.
“We’re trying to get down to where this kid got them from,” he said.
As marijuana production has evolved in the years since it started being legalized, edibles have changed. What used to be just crude gummies or pot brownies, edibles can now convincingly resemble mainstream candy like Nerds Ropes and gummy bears.
In early March, 11 middle schoolers on Long Island were also hospitalized after a student gifted THC-laced gummies to his classmates.
A 12th student went home for the day, but was never hospitalized.
In 2023, a boy on Staten Island accidentally overdosed on marijuana after mistakenly eating edibles at a Super Bowl party. He was hospitalized until the symptoms wore off.
Without the packaging, it’s almost impossible to tell how many milligrams are in any given edible.
It is possible to experience THC poisoning, which can cause impaired mobility, hallucinations, and vomiting, according to the National Library of Medicine.
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