What’s behind the 11:11 craze? Well, 11/11 is a good day to find out, so read on

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Throw some loose change into a deep well, shoot your shot and pick a star to wish upon, my babies: the luckiest day of the year is upon us.

Coming in hot and holy on Monday, Nov. 11, 2024, is a portal that can connect you to a higher frequency, your own untapped potential and the machinations of the divine.

Visualization is the name of the game, folks, and what you imagine for yourself today and in the days to come can set the stage for the year ahead.

The astrology of the 11/11 portal

The 11/11 portal opens each year on Nov. 11 in the sacred season of Scorpio when the day and month are in numeric alignment.

From now until the end of November, energy favors a similar alignment between heart and mind, intuition and intention.

Astrologically speaking, the 11/11 portal coincides with the movement of Venus, our planet of love, wealth and worth, into Capricorn, the sign of legacy and strategy. Venus in Capricorn favors lasting commitment and solid investments over risky business and the quick rush of a cheap thrill.

This influence lends itself to steady success and solid ground, making it an auspicious time to channel financial gains and emotional bedrock.

Venus in Cap is willing to work for what it wants, so this portal could translate to opportunities rather than fully formed benefits.

The spiritual meaning of 11/11

Why is it considered good luck to see 11:11 appear on a clock face? In numerology, the number 11 is regarded as a “master number” that represents higher consciousness, spiritual growth and ultimate enlightenment.

The number 11 represents the highest expression of male and female energy. Reflecting these heightened, oppositional energies, 11 symbolizes the potential to transcend the boundaries between the tangible and the spiritual, dark and light, the finite and the infinite.

As TikTok numerologist @goddessgiving explains, “When you see 11:11, you, in that very moment, are at the same frequency as the divine, as your team of light, as your guardians, your departed loved ones. You are one bitch. It is a moment of divine synchronization. And this 11/11 portal is that times 10.”

11 symbolizes the potential to transcend the boundaries between the tangible and the spiritual, dark and light, the finite and the infinite.

She explains that this day is an opening.

“It’s so much more than an opportunity or a date; it’s fate. A door of possibilities is going to present, and you should be excited,” she said. “You don’t need to know what is on the other side; you just need to know you need to walk through it.”

What does the angel number 1111 mean?

Some believe that seeing 1111 signals not just a nudge from the universe but specifically a “What’s up?” from our personal guardian angel or angels.

Angel numbers are a sequence of numbers that may signal divine communion. Specifically, the angel number 1111 is billed as a reminder that our guardian angels are very close and come bearing guidance.

Their proximity is a summons to embrace positive thought, get on the right side of destiny, and back away surely and swiftly from the patterns, people and beliefs that are not in alignment with our highest selves, shaking the dirt from the wings if you will.

On 11/11 — or when you see 11:11 on the clock — ask yourself: Am I satisfied? Does the path I’m on feel true and purposeful? How do I want to feel?

Rituals for the 11/11 portal

How can we aid and abet our better angels and long-dead ancestors as they push us toward higher consciousness?

Get clear, get organized and, for maximum power, perform any of the following rituals on 11/11 at 11:11 a.m. or p.m.

Some experts recommend writing down and letting out 11 wishes for this occasion.

To begin, write your full name on a sheet of blank paper. Below, write out eleven wishes in the present tense, as if you already have what you want and are expressing gratitude for it. Use statements like “I am” or “I have.”

Fold the paper in half toward you and sleep with your list under your pillow for the next 11 days.

If you’re more of a visual learner, that’s no problem. The mirror method (below) is another effective way to bring dreams from ether to fruition. Mirrors both reflect and amplify our energy fields.

Believing is receiving

To begin mirror work, find a quiet space and set yourself in front of a mirror. Like paychecks and penises — the bigger, the better.

Look at your reflection, state your full name aloud, and say something you love about yourself with a hand on your heart. Now, state a feeling you want to release or an action you want to forgive yourself for.

Using the present tense method mentioned above, speak your desires for the future.

If you’re a Gemini or Pisces — averse to self-reflection, literal or otherwise, and preferring to engage with the universe using the spoken versus written word — the whisper method is your bag.

As simple as it is whimsical, the whisper method requires a clear head space and a loose tongue: Whisper your true aims to the coming winds with the belief that they can be carried from mouth to matter.

Meaning of the 11/11 portal

As you move through the day on 11/11, operate as if you’ve already received the blessings you are asking for.

If you want to be rich, walk through the world without anxiety about your finances. If you want love, act as if the simple act of your existence enraptures every living thing you pass: strangers, birds, blades of grass, all of it.

Step high into and high from the reality you want to occupy.

Believe to receive, my dudes — bless up!

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here

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